6: Account Payable System
EASYFO program is designed for users in any levels who need to use the Account Payable system and no need to waste time for training and pranking. AII main features and standard functions are supported In our program. EASYFO committed to create a software which is easy to use, easy to learn, provides a lot of Information and reports as management’s requirement.
Software Feature
- Handling of advance payment
- Posting invoice with included vat, excluded Vat and non Vat items
- View all invoice or without zero balance items
- Interactive personal creditor data items
- Transfer invoice items when post or import to wrong account
- Split invoice to multiple payment period
- Audit history transactions
- Details and Summary payable items by
- account type
- User definable Payment Voucher and Cheque format
- Pay one cheque to multiple invoices
- Select and depending vat purchase before print vat purchase report
- Printable Vat purchase report/ Withholding
- Tax 3, 53
- Cancel disclaim vat purchase items
- Support Thai and English on screen and printing
- Outstanding cheques on-hand report
- View printable cheques or receivable cheques items
- Printable Bank cheques in Thai and English
- Received options for clearing cheques on hand
- Update bank account by bank reconciliation
- Importable data from Inventory Program
- Exportable data to General Ledger Program