To participate in Hotel Star Quality Accommodation, a property must be “ratable”, meaning the establishment meets the minimum standards for a Star Quality rating. Minimum standard requirements for safety, courtesy, cleanliness, comfort and state of repair must be maintained at all times.
- At least 25% of the units or rooms are to be available to visitors as overnight accommodations from June to September inclusive.
- Courtesy is a minimum requirement in the Star Quality program. It is as important as cleanliness, comfort and state of repair. Management and staff shall present a good appearance to the guest, operate on an ethical businesslike basis and provide conscientious attention to guest service. Rude, indifferent or ineffective service is unacceptable and can be cause for losing Star Quality rating.
- Failure to respond appropriately to guest complaints may also result in loss of Star Quality rating.
- Finished parking on site or adjacent with adequate night lighting.
- Entrances, parking areas and walkways shall be well-illuminated and free from hazards and obstructions.
- Establishments shall present a well-maintained exterior appearance in keeping with their nature and location.
- Roofs, walls, windows and doors shall be maintained in water, wind and weatherproof conditions.
- Outside stairs and landings shall be free of defects.
- Marquis signage, signs & advertising on the property shall be well maintained, legible & accurate.
- Grounds, landscaping, grass, foliage and gardens shall be well kept and regularly maintained to present a neat and tidy appearance.
- Garbage disposal areas, walkways and parking areas shall be uncluttered and free from litter and other debris.
- The lobby and all other public areas shall be clean, well-maintained and present a neat and pleasant appearance.
- Reception and registration area must be separated from living quarters.
- Guest units:
- A unit shall have adequate space for the number of guests who may occupy that unit.
- Operators must avoid crowding units with too many beds and / or poor arrangement of furniture.
- Interior walls:
- Walls shall be made of solid, soundproof construction, void of holes, separations and protruding nails.
- All interiors walls shall be finished so they can be kept clean and free of stains and grease.
- Floors:
- Floors must have solid sub-floors. Coverings shall be void of tears and excessive wear. Tiles and linoleum to be clean and polished. Coverings and carpets to be clean and free of stains and burns.
- Beds and linens:
- Guests shall be provided with clean bedding, which has been laundered or dry-cleaned. Fresh, clean bedding and toweling shall be provided at frequent intervals. Bedding must be changed for each new occupant.
Approval is conditional upon facility complying with legislation and / or regulations under relevant Public Health Acts, Provincial Building Codes, Fire Codes and any other existing government regulations relating to the construction and operation of visitor accommodation that apply to the premise. Failure to comply with government legislation will result in loss of Star Quality rating.
“Reference: Canadian Standards For Hotel And Motel”